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Monday, November 6, 2023

I study highly successful people for a living. Here are 11 little habits they practice every day


Here are 11 little life changes that highly successful people practice every day:

1. They seek discomfort.

Instead of just striving to learn, aim to feel uncomfortable. Pursuing discomfort sets you on a faster path to growth. If you want to get it right, it has to feel wrong first.

2. They set a mistake budget.

To encourage trial and error, set a goal for the minimum number of mistakes you want to make per day or per week. When you expect to stumble, you ruminate about it less — and improve more.

3. They ask for advice, not feedback.

Feedback is backward-looking — it leads people to criticize you or cheer for you. Advice is forward-looking — it leads people to coach you.

You can get your critics and cheerleaders to act more like coaches by asking a simple question: “What’s one thing I can do better next time

4. They figure out which sources to trust.

Decide what information is worth absorbing — and which should be filtered out. Listen to the coaches who have relevant expertise (credibility), know you well (familiarity), and want what’s best for you (care).

5. They strive for excellence, not perfection.

Progress comes from maintaining high standards, not eliminating every flaw. Identify some shortcomings that you can accept. Consider where you truly need the best and where you can settle for good enough.

At the end of the day, ask yourself: Did you make yourself better? Did you make someone else better?

6. They are their own last judge.

It’s better to disappoint others than to disappoint yourself. Before you release something into the world, assess whether it represents you well. If this was the only work people saw of yours, would you be proud of it?


7. They turn the daily grind into a source of daily joy.

To maintain harmonious passion, design practice around deliberate play. Set up fun skill-building challenges — like Steph Curry trying to score 21 points in a minute, or medical residents honing their nonverbal communication skills by using nonsense words in improv comedy games.

8. When they’re stuck, they back up to move forward.

When you hit a dead-end, it might be time to turn around and find a new path. It feels like regressing, but it’s often the only way to find a route to progress.

9. They teach what they want to learn.

The best way to learn something is to teach it. You understand it better after you explain it — and you remember it better after you take the time to recall it. You can do this in groups, with each member teaching a distinct skill or slice of information.

10. They open doors for people who are underrated and overlooked.

Create systems that invest in and create opportunities for all — not just gifted students or high-potential employees. A good system gives underdogs and late bloomers the chance to show how far they’ve come.

11. They engage in mental time travel. 

When you’re struggling to appreciate your progress, consider how your past self would view your current achievements. If you knew five years ago what you’d accomplish now, how proud would you have been?


Tinubu takes investment push, diplomatic expansion to Saudi, Arab nations


According to the President’s spokesman, the events are targeted at different areas of interests, but noted that the outings are going to be critical to how Nigeria takes advantage of the projected potentials of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), market.

He said the Saudi-African Summit’s target will be exploring issues around the economic ties between Africa and Saudi Arabia, including counter-terrorism, agriculture, environment and other areas of mutual concern.

  For the second, being the Arab-African Summit, according to Ngelale, will be focusing on expanding infrastructure between both regions and will particularly be paying attention to the establishment of a new high-speed train network between the Arab League of Nations and the African Union countries.

His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, will be heading to Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to attend two major summits. The first of which is the Saudi-Africa Summit, at which several areas of mutual concern will be addressed with respect to the economic ties between the regions with respect to the issues of counterterrorism, the environment, agriculture, and many other areas of mutual concern, where we feel much more can be done in terms of accelerating the level of trade and investment between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the African continent.

“Obviously, His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, is very keen on ensuring that the Federal Republic of Nigeria, within the context of the continent, is in a position to maximally leverage on opportunities that will be afforded by the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, where we will be having a single trade market of over one billion Africans, the expectation, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, is that by the year 2050, our market here on the continent would have surpassed $29 trillion. We believe that action toward that begins now.

“So the President is going to be very active and leading that effort from the forefront. That will be holding on November 10, followed by a very important summit. That is the Arab-African Summit holding on November 11, where His Excellency, President Bola Tinubu in his capacity, not just as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, but also as the Chairman of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of Government, will be taking part in the summit, ensuring that he is at the forefront of advocating for really a deepening partnership of the two regions, that is the League of Arab Nations as well as the African Union, with respect to how we can integrate in terms of our infrastructure, how we can facilitate the establishment of a new high speed train network that would league that would tie Arab nations from the Middle East and Northern Africa, to the rest of the African continent”, he said.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Peter Peculiar Omoh - Awarding Nollywood actress


Peter Peculiar Omoh is an awarding Nollywood actress of the year 2020  on best Nollywood kids display,

Peter peculiar is currently the Ambassador of Probest Entertainment House, she is the brand Ambassador of the company. The deal was signed 13th of May 2020. 

She’s a great actress who have appeared in over 25 Nollywood movies, she is also a script writer who have done so well in screenplay.

Peter peculiar omoh is currently one of the lead actors in the latest nollywood series titled Ruth’s theory, playing a role of a wicked kid who always frustrates her elder sisters including her family.

An award was given to her in the Nollywood series titled Ruth’s theory as Miss wickedness, she also acted a comic role in the series. The series was produced by Probest Entertainment house.

Peter peculiar omoh is a native of Etsako west, Edo state, Nigeria. She currently resides at Benin city.

To get in touch with peter peculiar omoh, contact her on WhatsApp 08141557132 or email her on

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Perfect love in a relationship by peter success odion

 Here Is a fews things have wrote down for you to have a perfect love in your relationship 

 Pay close attention to everything have written here And I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

1. Communication is key.

 Communication is the foundation of any healthy and strong relationship. It’s important to express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, while also actively listening to your partner. Remember to be patient, understanding, and empathetic in your conversations. Keep the lines of communication open, and you’ll find that it can truly strengthen your connection.

2. Always express your love and appreciation.

   Expressing love and appreciation is crucial in any relationship. It’s important to let your partner know how much they mean to you and how grateful you are for their presence in your life. Small gestures of affection, kind words, and acts of appreciation can go a long way in nurturing and strengthening your bond. Remember to show your love and appreciation consistently, and it will create a positive and loving atmosphere in your relationship.

I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

3. Be patient with each other.

   Absolutely, patience is key in any relationship. Remember that both you and your partner are human, with your own unique strengths and weaknesses. Be patient with each other’s flaws, mistakes, and growth journeys. Give each other the time and space needed to work through challenges and find solutions together. Remember that true understanding and growth take time, so be patient with yourselves and with one another. Your patience will foster a deeper connection and strengthen your relationship in the long run.

4. Show respect in all situations

    Respect is a fundamental aspect of any healthy and thriving relationship. Treat your partner with kindness, consideration, and dignity, even in challenging situations. Listen to their opinions, validate their feelings, and honor their boundaries. Respect their individuality, choices, and autonomy. By showing respect to your partner consistently, you create a safe and nurturing environment where both of you can grow and flourish together.

I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

5. Be honest, always

     Honesty is crucial in any relationship. Be open and truthful with your partner, even when it’s difficult. Honesty builds trust and fosters a deeper connection. Communicate your thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly and honestly, while also being receptive to your partner’s honesty. Remember, honesty is not about being hurtful, but about creating an environment of authenticity and understanding. By being honest with each other, you can work through challenges, build a stronger bond, and create a foundation of trust that will support your relationship in the long run.

6. Trust each other.

  Absolutely, trust is the cornerstone of a healthy and thriving relationship. Trusting your partner means having confidence in their integrity, reliability, and intentions. It means believing in their words and actions, and knowing that they have your best interests at heart. Cultivate trust by being consistent, reliable, and transparent in your own words and actions. Trust requires vulnerability and a willingness to let go of control. When you trust each other, you create a strong foundation that allows your relationship to flourish and grow.

I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

7. Support each other’s dreams and goals.

    Supporting each other’s dreams and goals is vital in a fulfilling relationship. Encourage and uplift your partner as they pursue their passions and aspirations. Be their biggest cheerleader, offering unwavering support and belief in their abilities. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how big or small, and provide a safe space for them to share their dreams and ambitions. Together, you can help each other reach new heights and create a fulfilling life together.

8. Show kindness every day.

   Kindness is a powerful force that can strengthen any relationship. Make a conscious effort to show kindness to your partner every day, through both small gestures and meaningful acts. Be compassionate, understanding, and patient in your interactions. Offer a helping hand, a kind word, or a loving gesture. Kindness creates warmth, fosters connection, and builds a loving atmosphere in your relationship. By consistently showing kindness, you can cultivate a deep sense of love, appreciation, and happiness between you and your partner.

I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

9.  Be there in times of need.

    being there for your partner in times of need is crucial in a supportive relationship. Show up for them when they’re going through challenging times, offering a listening ear, a comforting presence, or practical help. Be their rock, their safe haven, and their source of support. Validate their feelings, provide reassurance, and let them know that they’re not alone. Your presence and support can make a world of difference, showing them that they can rely on you no matter what. Together, you can navigate through difficult moments and come out stronger on the other side.  

10.  Laugh together.

   Laughter is a beautiful and powerful way to strengthen your bond with your partner. Find joy and humor in the everyday moments, and make it a priority to laugh together. Share jokes, funny stories, or watch a comedy show together. Laughter not only brings lightness and positivity to your relationship, but it also helps you connect on a deeper level. It creates shared memories and reminds you of the happiness you bring to each other’s lives. So, embrace the laughter and let it fill your relationship with joy and a sense of togetherness.

I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

11. Share responsibilities.

   Sharing responsibilities is essential for a balanced and harmonious relationship. Divide tasks and responsibilities equitably, taking into account each other’s strengths, preferences, and schedules. Work together as a team to maintain a healthy home, manage finances, and handle other obligations. By sharing responsibilities, you lighten the load for each other and create a sense of fairness and equality. Remember to communicate openly about your needs and find compromises when necessary. Together, you can create a supportive and balanced partnership where both of you feel valued and respected.

12. Be open about your feelings.

   Openness about your feelings is crucial in fostering a deep and meaningful connection with your partner. Share your emotions honestly and vulnerably, allowing yourself to be seen and understood. Communicate your joys, fears, frustrations, and needs openly and respectfully. By being open about your feelings, you create a safe space for your partner to do the same. This level of emotional transparency promotes understanding, empathy, and intimacy in your relationship. Remember, your feelings are valid and deserving of acknowledgment and support. Together, you can navigate the complexities of emotions and strengthen your bond.

I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

13.   Show empathy.

   Empathy is a powerful tool in building a strong and supportive relationship. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and strive to understand their perspective, emotions, and experiences. Listen attentively, validate their feelings, and offer comfort and support. Show genuine care and compassion, even when you may not fully understand their situation. By practicing empathy, you create a safe and nurturing environment where your partner feels heard, valued, and understood. This deep level of empathy strengthens your bond and fosters a deeper connection between you and your partner.   

14. Learn to forgive.

   Learning to forgive is essential in any relationship. Holding onto grudges and resentment can be toxic and hinder the growth of your connection. Practice forgiveness by letting go of past hurts, understanding that nobody is perfect, and recognizing that forgiveness is a choice. It’s about releasing the negative emotions and choosing to move forward with love and understanding. Remember, forgiveness is not about forgetting or condoning hurtful actions, but about freeing yourself from the burden of anger and allowing healing to take place. By cultivating forgiveness, you create space for growth, compassion, and a stronger bond with your partner.

I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

15.    Accept each other’s flaws.

     Accepting each other’s flaws is an important aspect of a healthy and loving relationship. Recognize that nobody is perfect, including yourself and your partner. Embrace each other’s imperfections, quirks, and idiosyncrasies. Instead of trying to change or fix each other, focus on embracing and appreciating the unique qualities that make you both who you are. Love each other unconditionally, flaws and all, and create an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding. By accepting each other’s flaws, you foster a deep sense of love, security, and authenticity in your relationship.

  I also have a book for you to have a perfect guide on the ways to make anyone fall totally In love with you for life

πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»click the link to get the book on Amazon and thank me later

 If you want me to step into your relationship for a great advice and transformation, quickly contact me now via WhatsApp number +2348141557132.




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